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@nyrath I suspect you’ve effectively played it as a TTRPG, as Cepheus/Hostile is effectively the Mongoose Traveller 1e SRD built as an independent game. I do love the effort that’s gone into the background material; it feels very different.
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I’ve been looking for *years* for an open system that I can tweak for my own settings, that’s fairly engineering-heavy but doesn’t require me to do actual aerospace engineering. My attempts to come up with my own back in the day kept foundering on “crap, I need to learn more engineering to make sense of these equations”...

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I suspect @nyrath probably has a better idea of how realistic the game is but the design sequences are very Traveller in style. You select a hull, then fit an NTR or NPD, powerplant, flare dampers. Radiators and drive shielding are assumed part of the DSV powerplant tonnage. Then you add the various other components.

NTRs are assumed to thrust to a max velocity and then coast, NPDs can burn and turn (so are much faster) but they're cutting edge and optional.