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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Tai Situ Rinpoche

When something is going too far somebody has to stand up and say something, otherwise everybody will just follow the crowd so that nothing changes. In this way, so many people will suffer, which is not only unnecessary but negative. The Buddhist view of this is very clear. — Tai Situ Rinpoche

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Bokar Tulku Rinpoche 1940–2004

The fruit of meditation is not the absence of thoughts, but the fact that thoughts cease to harm us. Once enemies, they become friends. — Bokar Tulku Rinpoche 1940–2004

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BDG news: Tibetan Nuns Project Highlights Plumbing Crisis for Buddhist Nuns of Shugsep Nunnery in Dharamsala

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BDG feature: His Eminence Kirti Rinpoche’s Tireless Efforts to Preserve the Kirti Tradition and Tibetan Buddhism: An Interview with Konchok Jigme, Secretary to Kirti Rinpoche

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Jigme Lingpa (1730–1798)

"The true nature of things is naturally free of conceptual projections. It does not exist, since even the victorious ones do not see it. Yet neither is it non-existent, as it is the ground of all samsara and nirvana. There is no contradiction here, for it lies beyond the realm of expression."

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Jetsun Milarepa (c. 1052–c. 1135)

Having meditated on gentleness and on compassion, I have forgotten the difference between myself and others. — Jetsun Milarepa (c. 1052–c. 1135)

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