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Lucy is a crazy ambitious mission that will visit a total of 11 asteroids (and maybe more).

Close-up views of Donaldjohanson are coming April 20. #space #science #nasa

The Lucy mission will travel to eight Trojan asteroids and three main belt asteroids. No other space mission is history has been launched to as many different destinations in independent orbits around the Sun!

Lucy launched in October 2021. Its trajectory first takes it by the Earth for two gravity assists before it begins its journey out to the Trojan Asteroids.

Before its second Earth gravity assist, Lucy will travel through the inner edge of the main asteroid belt and fly by its first asteroid on November 2023. It will fly by the small asteroid (152830) Dinkinesh and its satellite.

Later, on its way out to the Trojan asteroids, Lucy will travel through the main belt again and fly by anoter main belt asteroid on April 2025. It will fly by (52246) Donaldjohanson, an asteroid that the Lucy team named after one of the co-discoverers of the Lucy fossil.
The Lucy mission will travel to eight Trojan asteroids and three main belt asteroids. No other space mission is history has been launched to as many different destinations in independent orbits around the Sun! Lucy launched in October 2021. Its trajectory first takes it by the Earth for two gravity assists before it begins its journey out to the Trojan Asteroids. Before its second Earth gravity assist, Lucy will travel through the inner edge of the main asteroid belt and fly by its first asteroid on November 2023. It will fly by the small asteroid (152830) Dinkinesh and its satellite. Later, on its way out to the Trojan asteroids, Lucy will travel through the main belt again and fly by anoter main belt asteroid on April 2025. It will fly by (52246) Donaldjohanson, an asteroid that the Lucy team named after one of the co-discoverers of the Lucy fossil.