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Using our “global strength” to force an invaded country into concessions with an invader makes us complicit with the invader. It’s like returning an abuse victim to the abuser’s home. Shameful. Wrong. Un-American.

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@georgetakei people say that Trump is beholden to Putin and Russia. However, I believe that’s false. He answers to the Saudi’s.
Given the Saudi differences with a Russian backed Iran (and Russia), I believe this presents a perfect opportunity for them to put the screws on a desperate Putin [or reward him], depending on what they get out of this (profit sharing from the mineral fields and the black sea trade routes, plus continued efforts to splinter Europe would be a start).
Trump will get his, but the Saudis dictate how the deal goes down.

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Marco Rubio in Saudi Arabia in a polished palace where Ukraine is for sale. The location where Donald always wished to be invited.
None of the persons present can make any object that is in the photo: paintings and woodwork made by non-Arab craftsmen. Trees in the desert planted and cared for by foreign slaves. The Trump world, made up of sales pitches.
Wasn't the U.S. always like that?

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@georgetakei They are outdoing Chamberlain by a far margin.

At least Neville Chamberlain understood that Nazi Germany was dangerous.

Trump's crew only understand that they'll make a lot of money if the sanctions go away.

Of course, the most interesting part is what happen as they find out their plan won't work.

Europe is preparing to finance Ukraine by itself. And since US is now aligning with Russia, you might have to consider us your enemies perhaps at some point.

Hope it ends before that

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@georgetakei The victim analogy is even better than you think when you realize that Trump *literally* claimed that Ukraine started it. I swear it was pretty much as if he just said "Ukraine shouldn't have worn that pretty dress if they didn't want this to happen."