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*returning an abuse victim to the abuser’s home*
That could be directly from the #GOP family policy manual, couldn't it?
"family values"
The felon who got convicted for accounting errors on his hush money to a porn starlet.
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Anyone can combine declarative statements that have no rational connection to each other, and create the impression that they do. No one believes, you, Marco.
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exactly like your once brother-in-law telling you that the broken body and face you got from your raging now ex-husband was just a misunderstanding.
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At least Neville Chamberlain understood that Nazi Germany was dangerous.
Trump's crew only understand that they'll make a lot of money if the sanctions go away.
Of course, the most interesting part is what happen as they find out their plan won't work.
Europe is preparing to finance Ukraine by itself. And since US is now aligning with Russia, you might have to consider us your enemies perhaps at some point.
Hope it ends before that
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Truly a shameful day. During the #coldwar the east and west divided up and fought over spheres of influence. This is a new low, handing the fait of people who want to ally with the US over to #Russia.
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As an ally, America looks way better on paper.
In the thick of things... not so much these days.
Just sayin'
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