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So it was "not sustainable" to maintain digital listings of events that already existed? Yeeeahh.... right. Still tastes more like censorship in service to a wannabe dictator.

Pro-tip for Google: When one is trying to justify the transition from "don't be evil" to "how much evil can we get away with, anyway?" you should probably not outsource writing the justification to AI.

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@georgetakei Well, I'm not black, I'm not gay but those events didn't hurt me. Rainbow flags did 't hurt me but I fear those people who where against them, finally they will even find and remove things that are important to me.

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@georgetakei Not too surprising. They're over-complying by forcing us non-US folks to put up with this map graffiti...

Why in Canada do we need to see "Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)" when this is exclusively a US American fever dream?

Google is really pissing me off these days. I hope others are noticing what they've been doing outside of USA.