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Dear Mastodon mass-mind, please come to my aid. I am trying to remember the name of a book i had when I was a little boy back in the 1960s.

The name was something like "Le Ballentine de L'Espace".

It was in the French language. It was a picture book with stylized cartoon like images.

It was about a little boy who was tired of eating healthy food, taking baths, going to school, and other non-fun activities. He complained the outer space beings didn't have to do all that.


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@SRLevine @nyrath

Finding what we call stumpers is hard!

1.Search used to be better, but NYT article was right to suggest "throw in a bunch of keywords".
2. Can't remember if article mentioned this, but it can be very helpful:
3. that subreddit:
4. condense the description and repost with more hashtags, including #librarians
5. contact a reference librarian at a univ that has special collection in kidlit esp internat'l (I can help w finding)

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A space creature in a small space ship lands and tells the boy to come on a little trip into the stratosphere to see what it is like.

The ship has a large windshield in the front similar to the front of a bus.

First they go to the planet of candy. The boy has fun eating candy like a pig. Until he gets a tummy ache and has to take some nasty tasting medicine.


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Next they go to the rainbow region. Here orbital diamond crystals refract the sunlight into rainbow bands. The boy has fun playing in the beautiful colors. Until he finds that the colors have stained him and his clothes. He has to take a bath with a harsh cleaning agent called "irradiant H"


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Then he sees "atoms", who are little creature that look like space helmets on wheels. The boy tells the alien driver that the atoms do not have to go to school.
The driver shows the boy that he is mistaken. The atoms do go to school, and have to learn hard equations so they can learn to be molecules.
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