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Tomes and Talismans is the best post-apocalyptic, dystopian, educatioal series about the Dewey Decimal System ever devised: On a future Earth, we have been colonized by simple-minded, humanoid aliens called The Wipers who have destroyed our technology and our ability to communicate on a massive scale. The only way to stop the only way to stop them? Efficiently navigating a library and reading books! The more our world falls to ignorance and illiteracy, the more this silly show feels like a documentary. THE WIPERS ARE HERE! THEY鈥橰E ALREADY HERE!!! #scifi #sciencefiction #postapocalyptic #appcalypse #publicaccess #libraries #books #reading #librarians #aliens #invasion #horror

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@SRLevine @nyrath

Finding what we call stumpers is hard!

1.Search used to be better, but NYT article was right to suggest "throw in a bunch of keywords".
2. Can't remember if article mentioned this, but it can be very helpful:
3. that subreddit:
4. condense the description and repost with more hashtags, including #librarians
5. contact a reference librarian at a univ that has special collection in kidlit esp internat'l (I can help w finding)