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@ttrpgblogs @nyrath

I have used real star maps when setting up games; but their being in 3D has turned out to not matter that much to game play.

The action of the games concerned has been largely restricted to planets.

So once "it takes this long to communicate between planets", "a starship can fly this route in this many years", etc. are established the star map can be collapsed down to a simple graph.

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@michael_w_busch @ttrpgblogs


I have found that if you make each star system a node, and connect each node with it's two closest neighbors in 3d space, the resulting graph can then have the nodes moved to make the map less confusing yet still approximate the 3d topology in a 2d map.

With the maps I made 1 neighbor connections is too sparce and 3+ neighbors is too cluttered.
