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And these are the ones from the previous three years, 2020, 2019 and 2018 respectively. The oldest one shows some of my first leather pieces since I started my formation only one year prior. Until then, my crafting field was foam weapon replicas for LARP, swordcombat sparring and cosplay, something I start leaving behind me the more I was fall in love with leather
#art #handmade #leathercraft #leather #foamsmith#LARP #cosplay #ttrpg

Collage of nine pics: a green and orangish leather bag with two serpents fighting embossed on the lid. A foam replic of Lagertha shield (from Vikings) and a norse simple sword. Three backpacks in leather and suede, with Cosima's sea snail shell tattoo design (Orphan Black), a triquetra and a cannabis leaf embossed and dyed on each lid. A set of green and brown vambraces with a kraken embossed on them. A selfie wearing a black cape. A foam replic of Akali sashimi skin weapons from League of Legends, a sushi knife and a crab claw. A close pic of two leather feathers, tooled and moulded, one cut away from the leather base and the other only undercut and barely lifted from it. A close pic of the basket guard of a foam replic of Rose Quartz saber (Steven Universe). And a set of six leather roses, three dyed in red and three in dark blue

Collage of 9 pics: a close pic of the head of Kratos axe from God of War 2018, made in foam. A textured painting in leather depicting a dreamcatcher inside two branches, with feathers, beads, seashells and bird skulls hanging from the threads and a dark blue background. A close pic of two foam swords, the silver and the steel ones from The Witcher 3 videogame. An angel moulded in leather and painted in withe, blue and gold with dark blue wrinkled background. A selfie of me with both sides of my head shaved and two braids on top. A replic of the ursine semi-cuirass from The Witcher 3 videogame, unfinished and with celtic crosses tooled on the chest. A close pic of the handles of two replics in foam of the mechanical blades from Attack on titans tactical gear. A set of green of brown leather greaves with krakens embossed in the front. And two replics in foam of the Falchion swords from the Fire Emblem videogame

Collage of nine pics: a purple leather dicebag shaped as a rigid D20 dice, lid open towards the cam. A kpinga (north-african throwing weapon with three curved arms that cut and stab) made in foam with a leather sheath behind. A very small quiver shaped leather case for arrow tokens for role-play games, green and brown with leaf motifs. A simple leather bracer decorated with a norse inspired pic of a dragon and a warrior fighting. A selfie wearing a leather helmet moulded and painted simulating an old metal one, visor down covering most of the face. Two sides of an unpainted leather bracer shaped and tooled as a bird wing. A foam naginata with a golden dragon head carved at the base of the ondulated blade. A simple undyed long bag with a norse dragon tooled on the lid. An a close pic of the head of a foam axe of the Thor Stormbreaker weapon from Avengers Endgame