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#PPOD: NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover spotted these finger-like rocks with its Mast Camera, or Mastcam, on May 15, 2022, the mission's 3,474th Martian day, or sol. These rocks likely formed as groundwater trickled through rock in the ancient past, depositing mineral cements over time. When the rock was exposed to the atmosphere many years later, wind eroded the softer material around the cemented portions. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

#space #science #scicomm

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#PPOD: Icy Moons in Our Solar System That May Have Oceans

Scientists think six icy moons 🧊 in our solar system may currently host oceans of liquid water 🌊 beneath their outer surfaces. Arranged around #Earth 🌎 are images from NASA spacecraft 🛰️ of, clockwise from the top, Saturn's moon #Enceladus, Jupiter's moons #Callisto and #Ganymede, Neptune's moon #Triton, Saturn's moon #Titan, and Jupiter's moon #Europa, the target of NASA's @europaclipper mission. The worlds here are shown to scale.

The images of the Saturnian moons were taken by NASA's @cassinisaturn. The images of the Jovian moons were taken by NASA's Galileo mission. The image of Triton was taken by @nasavoyager 2. The image of Earth was stitched together using months of satellite-based observations, mostly using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite.

Credit: @nasa@nasajpl@caltech@spacescienceins@uarizona@dlr_en


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#PPOD: This image from ESA’s #Mars Express shows a beautiful slice of the #RedPlanet from the northern #polarcap downwards, and highlights cratered, pockmarked swathes of the Terra Sabaea and Arabia Terra regions. It comprises data gathered on 17 June 2019 during orbit 19550. This image was created using data from the nadir and color channels of the High-Resolution Stereo Camera. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin

#science #space #scicomm