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It's time once again to eat up Daihōon-ji's (大報恩寺) blessed daikon for another year of protection against sickness and disease.
temple nuns-
it takes two
yanking the radish
-Kobayashi Issa (小林一茶), 1819.
Trans. David G. Lanoue.
#daikondaki #大根だき#Daihoonji#SenbonShakado#Kyoto #京都 #radishes#Japan

Statue of Hotei enjoying autumn leaves in the grounds of Daihoon-ji.

Daikon-daki festivals are held around Japan. Guests have a choice of purchasing a bowl of stewed daikon, or buying a whole daikon to take home and cook.

A cat welcomes visitors to Daihoon-ji.

Blessed daikon at Daihoon-ji. On December 7th and 8th they are consumed to fortify the body at the start of winter.