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The new issue of @suomenantropologi : Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 49 (1), is out!

As always, Suomen antropologi is a fully #OpenAccess, community managed and non-profit journal with no APCs or embargos.

The issue includes articles by:
* Susanne Kuehling: Women and #Kula: The Invisible Force Behind #Hospitality
* Kalev Aasmäe: No Easy Way In Navigating the Fragile #Communality Amongst #Squatters in London
* Mari Keski-Korsku ( @mkk_kuus ) : Sensing the #Polycrisis An Artistic Approach to Walking as #Ritualisation

Doctoral defense lectures:
* Maija-Eliina Sequeira: Becoming an Adequate Child: Learning to Relate to Others in Cultural Context
* Emmi Holm: Digital Threads, Interwoven Scenes: An #Ethnography of Sustainable #Fashion Production in #Ghana and Finland
* Aino Korvensyrjä: Conflicts over Duldung and #Deportation: West African Perspectives on German #Immigration Enforcement and European #Borders
* Pirjo Rautiainen: Applying Anthropological Knowledge in the Business Field: Three Ethnographic Studies in a Commercial Context

Book reviews::
* Riikka Era ( @RiikkaEra):
Book Review: Meloni, Francesca. 2023. Ways of Belonging: Undocumented Youth in the Shadow of Illegality
* Matti Eräsaari: Book Review: Salesa, Damon 2023. An Indigenous Ocean: Pacific Essays
* Matt Tomlinson: Book Review: Eräsaari, Matti 2023. Comparing the Worth of the While in Fiji and Finland.

#anthropology @anthropology

Table of contents continued

Book reviews

Book Review: Meloni, Francesca. 2023. Ways of Belonging: Undocumented Youth in the Shadow of Illegality
Riikka Era

Book Review: Salesa, Damon 2023. An Indigenous Ocean: Pacific Essays
Matti Eräsaari

Book Review: Eräsaari, Matti 2023. Comparing the Worth of the While in Fiji and Finland.
Matt Tomlinson
Table of contents continued Book reviews Book Review: Meloni, Francesca. 2023. Ways of Belonging: Undocumented Youth in the Shadow of Illegality Riikka Era 88-90 PDF Book Review: Salesa, Damon 2023. An Indigenous Ocean: Pacific Essays Matti Eräsaari 91-93 PDF Book Review: Eräsaari, Matti 2023. Comparing the Worth of the While in Fiji and Finland. Matt Tomlinson 94-95 PDF
Table of contents continued
Lectiones præcursoriæ

Becoming an Adequate Child Learning to Relate to Others in Cultural Context
Maija-Eliina Sequeira

Digital Threads, Interwoven Scenes An Ethnography of Sustainable Fashion Production in Ghana and Finland
Emmi Holm

Conflicts over Duldung and Deportation West African Perspectives on German Immigration Enforcement and European Borders
Aino Korvensyrjä

Applying Anthropological Knowledge in the Business Field: Three Ethnographic Studies in a Commercial Context
Pirjo Rautiainen
Table of contents continued Lectiones præcursoriæ Becoming an Adequate Child Learning to Relate to Others in Cultural Context Maija-Eliina Sequeira 62-68 PDF Digital Threads, Interwoven Scenes An Ethnography of Sustainable Fashion Production in Ghana and Finland Emmi Holm 69-75 PDF Conflicts over Duldung and Deportation West African Perspectives on German Immigration Enforcement and European Borders Aino Korvensyrjä 76-83 PDF Applying Anthropological Knowledge in the Business Field: Three Ethnographic Studies in a Commercial Context Pirjo Rautiainen 84-87 PDF
View of the Table of Contents.

 Editor's note
 Editorial Note,  Suvi Rautio, 1-3  PDF 


Women and Kula The Invisible Force Behind Hospitality
Susanne Kuehling

No Easy Way In Navigating the Fragile Communality Amongst Squatters in London
Kalev Aasmäe
Sensing the Polycrisis An Artistic Approach to Walking as Ritualisation
Mari Keski-Korsu
View of the Table of Contents. Text: Editor's note Editorial Note, Suvi Rautio, 1-3 PDF Articles Women and Kula The Invisible Force Behind Hospitality Susanne Kuehling 4-25 PDF No Easy Way In Navigating the Fragile Communality Amongst Squatters in London Kalev Aasmäe 26-42 PDF Sensing the Polycrisis An Artistic Approach to Walking as Ritualisation Mari Keski-Korsu 43-61

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Dearest Fediverse (and apologies for the absence),

my book "Hard Work: Producing places, relations and value on a Papua New Guinea resource frontier" was just recently published in full digital open access. (Print-on-demand and oa epub out soon!)

"Hard Work explores the complexities of natural resource extraction, looking at both large-scale processes and personal human-environment interactions. It combines a political ecology focus on the connection between environmental issues and power relations with a focus on how value is produced, represented, and materialized."

#OpenAccess #anthropology #PoliticalEcology#PapuaNewGuinea#NaturalResources #LandUse#SwiddenHorticulture #logging #OilPalm


Cover of the book "Hard Work". The cover is a photograph showing a foggy tropical river valley. On the foreground on the left stands a Papua New Guinean woman with her back to the camera holding a food basket on her head and walking staff in her right hand looking at the valley. The woman stands in tropical garden and in front of her are banana plants. On right, a bit further from the camera is a tall tree standing in the garden. In the background are forested mountain slopes.

On the top of the cover is the name of the author, "Tuomas Tammisto". Below it is the title of the book: "Hard Work: Producing places, relations and value on a Papua New Guinea resource frontier". On the bottom left is the name of the publisher: "HUP Helsinki University Press".
Cover of the book "Hard Work". The cover is a photograph showing a foggy tropical river valley. On the foreground on the left stands a Papua New Guinean woman with her back to the camera holding a food basket on her head and walking staff in her right hand looking at the valley. The woman stands in tropical garden and in front of her are banana plants. On right, a bit further from the camera is a tall tree standing in the garden. In the background are forested mountain slopes. On the top of the cover is the name of the author, "Tuomas Tammisto". Below it is the title of the book: "Hard Work: Producing places, relations and value on a Papua New Guinea resource frontier". On the bottom left is the name of the publisher: "HUP Helsinki University Press".

Content Warning

Join the conversation at #NISOPlus25, where we'll address #ResearchIntegrity, #OpenAccess, #AI, & more! Our program features speakers @timnitGebru (our 2025 Miles Conrad awardee) & ALA president Cindy Hohl. Register by January 10 for early bird rates!:

Content Warning

For #BlackFriday I decided to send my students an e-mail about the **amazing** special offers of our University #library @unibibkoeln.

This was inspired by an e-mail I got this morning from a BA student who asked me whether there was any financial aid for students who needed to buy academic papers that are behind a #paywall.

#LibraryLove #libraries#OpenAccess

If the University library does not have access to a specific academic journal, you have several options to access a paper from that journal:

1. Order the article via ILL for 1.50€ (it will usually be sent to you via e-mail). 
2. Check if a pre- or post-print version of the paper is available in an open repository. The easiest way to do this is to use the Unpaywall browser extension. This is 100% legal. 
3. Send a polite e-mail to the author(s) of the paper. Academics do not get any money from publishers when people pay to read their papers, therefore they are usually very happy to send you a copy of their paper via e-mail to anyone who is interested in reading their work. This is also legal as we are allowed to share our papers with interested individuals. However, we get a lot of e-mails so please don't do this before having tried the options above. 
4. Some people use so-called shadow libraries. It is certainly illegal to upload copyrighted materials (such as most academic papers) on these platforms; however, whether or not it is illegal to read papers via these platforms is a legal grey area in Germany. I therefore do not recommend it, even though I personally occasionally use these shadow libraries myself when the above options fail. 

If you found this useful, feel free to forward this information to a friend. Pretty much all libraries (not just university libraries) work with ILL.
If the University library does not have access to a specific academic journal, you have several options to access a paper from that journal: 1. Order the article via ILL for 1.50€ (it will usually be sent to you via e-mail). 2. Check if a pre- or post-print version of the paper is available in an open repository. The easiest way to do this is to use the Unpaywall browser extension. This is 100% legal. 3. Send a polite e-mail to the author(s) of the paper. Academics do not get any money from publishers when people pay to read their papers, therefore they are usually very happy to send you a copy of their paper via e-mail to anyone who is interested in reading their work. This is also legal as we are allowed to share our papers with interested individuals. However, we get a lot of e-mails so please don't do this before having tried the options above. 4. Some people use so-called shadow libraries. It is certainly illegal to upload copyrighted materials (such as most academic papers) on these platforms; however, whether or not it is illegal to read papers via these platforms is a legal grey area in Germany. I therefore do not recommend it, even though I personally occasionally use these shadow libraries myself when the above options fail. If you found this useful, feel free to forward this information to a friend. Pretty much all libraries (not just university libraries) work with ILL.
Dear students,

As today is Black Friday, I thought I would share with you what I believe is the best offer ever: You can read any pretty much any fiction or non-fiction book* or academic article that you like for just... 1.50€! What a bargain! 🉐 🤩

Sound too good to be true? Let me explain how it works. It's called an inter-library loan (ILL, Fernleihe in German) it allows you to easily order a book/article with your University library account: And here's the best bit: this AMAZING offer is valid all year round, no need to wait for Black Friday ever again! 📚📚📚

* That would cost at least 15€ to buy new.

Also, please know that you should never ever pay more than 1.50€ for an academic article! 🙅 The University library will give you access to most articles when connected to the university network (either because you're at uni connected via eduroam or, if you're elsewhere, connected via a VPN). Find out how that works here: If you encounter any technical issues, write to the e-mail addresses at the bottom of the page. The university librarians are very friendly people who answer queries quickly and are there to help you access the literature that you need for your studies! 🤗
Dear students, As today is Black Friday, I thought I would share with you what I believe is the best offer ever: You can read any pretty much any fiction or non-fiction book* or academic article that you like for just... 1.50€! What a bargain! 🉐 🤩 Sound too good to be true? Let me explain how it works. It's called an inter-library loan (ILL, Fernleihe in German) it allows you to easily order a book/article with your University library account: And here's the best bit: this AMAZING offer is valid all year round, no need to wait for Black Friday ever again! 📚📚📚 * That would cost at least 15€ to buy new. Also, please know that you should never ever pay more than 1.50€ for an academic article! 🙅 The University library will give you access to most articles when connected to the university network (either because you're at uni connected via eduroam or, if you're elsewhere, connected via a VPN). Find out how that works here: If you encounter any technical issues, write to the e-mail addresses at the bottom of the page. The university librarians are very friendly people who answer queries quickly and are there to help you access the literature that you need for your studies! 🤗