Dear students,
As today is Black Friday, I thought I would share with you what I believe is the best offer ever: You can read any pretty much any fiction or non-fiction book* or academic article that you like for just... 1.50€! What a bargain! 🉐 🤩
Sound too good to be true? Let me explain how it works. It's called an inter-library loan (ILL, Fernleihe in German) it allows you to easily order a book/article with your University library account: And here's the best bit: this AMAZING offer is valid all year round, no need to wait for Black Friday ever again! 📚📚📚
* That would cost at least 15€ to buy new.
Also, please know that you should never ever pay more than 1.50€ for an academic article! 🙅 The University library will give you access to most articles when connected to the university network (either because you're at uni connected via eduroam or, if you're elsewhere, connected via a VPN). Find out how that works here: If you encounter any technical issues, write to the e-mail addresses at the bottom of the page. The university librarians are very friendly people who answer queries quickly and are there to help you access the literature that you need for your studies! 🤗