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Ofcom is hosting a session for "small low-risk community sites" on February 12th.
Make sure you get informed before making any drastic decisions about your server!
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Ofcom is hosting a session for "small low-risk community sites" on February 12th.
Make sure you get informed before making any drastic decisions about your server!
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That's why we've posted physical 'X-scape' kits to leading voices at charities, media orgs and universities.
Early adoption of New Social is a great opportunity for the UK's leading institutions and we hope to help them catch up with many of the European organisations who have already turned to open social media.
Read about the project:
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Heavy lifting already done. Valid passport for 7 years. Familiar with visas. Willing and able to pull student visas. Need remote employment. If you have any leads or info. Please help. 🙃
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In a way, comes close to this. Bibliometric information like the number of citations might be taken from different sources like #openalex and #wikidata.
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Hi, everyone who's here from TikTok.
Something you'll find different here (and love if you're anything like me), is that the "algorithm" is created directly by everyone who uses this thing. Boosting a post shows it to people who follow you. The more people boost the same post, the more people see it.
Also—and this isn't even aimed at any app specifically—Mastodon, unlike a lot of apps, is really good on mobile AND on desktop according to a lot of people, including me. Please log in to whichever instance you chose to make your account on in a web browser, and try it if you haven't already.
There are also accessibility features here that most other social media either lacks entirely or doesn't do nearly as well. Alt text, for example, is text added to media, that exists primarily for the purpose of describing said media to people who interact with Mastodon using an audio interface. Adding alt text to images is recommended, and posts containing images are likely to get more boosts with alt text than without.
It's also a good idea to write a brief (or not) introduction post and pin it on your profile.
I should probably also mention that I've been looking through #TikTokRefugee and following anyone and everyone who's here from TikTok. So if you're here from TikTok and I just followed you, that's why.
Welcome to Mastodon.
#TikTok#Mastodon#Fediverse #introduction #accessibility #welcome
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Very few moderators are receiving any compensation for their labour.
This is your reminder to donate to your admin if you’re able to.
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A Ecotxe estam de mudança comunicativa. Hem decidit deixar de publicar a #X, #Facebook i #Instagram per passar-nos plenament a les xarxes socials lliures i obertes del #Fedivers.
Com més serem, més riurem! El 20 de gener, som-hi #juntes!
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42% of respondents host 100 accounts or fewer; 6 respondents host over 100,000 accounts.
Let’s hear it for the amazing people who area helping create #BetterSocialMedia for us all - thank your admin today!
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The definition for Fediverse in this case may include Threads & Bluesky & possible others.
Any papers, hints, links etc are very welcome. Feel free to boost & share this question
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#ActivityPub is the accepted global Web standard for open social networking. It is published by the World Wide Web Consortium, the non-profit body that oversees Web standards.
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The #Fediverse is considered to be the “next big thing” in social media. Usage has roughly tripled from 2022 - 23, and as larger platforms begin adopting we can expect a tenfold increase in adoption in 2024.
We're all about creating a web where everyone can participate, be safe from abuse & harm, and where civil society can flourish, keep that in mind in your replies 🙏.
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You can get a run down of everything happening in the Fediverse in a consumable way, check it out if you haven't already: .
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We can't wait to see what happens next year.
We'll be logging off today and won't be back until the New Year as our team take a well deserved break.
We hope you and yours have a wonderful festive period, whether you're celebrating or not 🎄