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@georgetakei some are finding out but the ones who haven’t yet still don’t get it. no object permanence with some ppl it seems. if they can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. don’t even get me started on right wingers saying nazi salutes are ai generated

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What's even more ridiculous than the WSJ proper is those nostalgic never-Trump Republicans shedding tears over how the paper doesn't seem to be anymore what they believe it formerly has been, while still keeping their subscription and recommending it any opportunity they get.

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There's a big #Reason, to have less and less #Faith in #american#Institutions, cause the #MAGA-#Gang is #cracking and #destroying those Institutions. The #WallStreet#Idiots are dreaming their #Life away, while America goes in #Tatters. And I live in #Germany, but feel for every #Democrat in the #USA, who is shocked by this #fascist#Policy they're #evolving.
