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@georgetakei He serves the purpose of spreading global domination for Putin and oligarchy families.

Trump's nominee for OSTP is quietly undergoing Senate confirmation hearings. That means potentially there is still time to stop his confirmation if pressure and attention is put on Republicans..

He is being picked for the position to push AI policy, and he is engaged to daughter of conservative MP and Brexit Secretary David Davies.

Totally unrelated I'm sure, but Musk's AI company is building a new supercomputer and data center in the U.K. with money tied to Saudi royal family.

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@georgetakei After giving this 5 minutes thought I found that this Statement is not true.
It might not serve a purpose we would like but if your intention is to maximize chaos and build your new world order on top of that itโ€™s exactly what you need to do. So from Elon and the King of USโ€˜s perspective this is all needed.

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@georgetakei He is just satisfying his gigantic ego by being a bully boy. The title of a programme on German TV we saw last night was "Boeses muss mit Boesem enden" Roughly translated it means "Evil must end with evil" if I were Musk I would watch my back!

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Oh... No...

He serves a purpose all right.

He's doing Chump's "wet work".

And doing it for the same "denial" reasons as any other mob-style enforcer.

Just wait for the blowback. Chump will throw him under the bus as readily as he has thrown his own children.

Of course, "blowback" assumes any entity grows the spine/balls to hold *any* of these criminals to account.

Little hope of that.

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That's the more superficial reading.

It serves no real purpose for the people.

It serves the purposes of the Nazis to command and control, and threaten anyone who doesn't fall in line, or doesn't want to pay up.

It's working wonders, and liberals still can't wrap their minds around it.

They are Nazis, they don't care about appropriateness or efficiency, they don't care at all, that's the propaganda they feed you to keep you powerless.

Wake up.

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Doesn't matter as it's not his, or Trump's money ...
Too many people consider it to be 'government money' so OK to use it to one's own advantage ...

The purpose is to reduce the tax rate for million/billionaires ...

Same for all rich mongrels ... a case of ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you ...

Greed is not good ...

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He serves trump well
he is doing trumps dirty work and taking all the blame

he is a Bigger Billionaire
Bigger Bastard
and a
Bigger Bullshitter
and makes trump look reasonable by comparison

He is serving his lesser a lot better than you give him credit for

And when the buck stops
it will be in trumps pocket?

Because trump has the name of president
and can do the same to musk as he has done to so many other Americans

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On the other hand, you could argue that he's merely the most easy target to pin this headline on, because the same statement probably applies to the majority of people in Trump's government, including the current US president himself.

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Musk objective was to crush and destroy any incriminating Federal evidence about his ( and Trumps) criminal behavior.....

He was under many many investigations by Federal departments, many he has looted and destroyed data.