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I love it when fiction authors include:
* maps
* organizational charts
* profiles of characters with little images
* family trees
* timelines
* diagrams of weapons and ships with all the features labeled

I sometimes think there is some notion that such things aren’t β€œreal writing” or even that they are β€œcrutches”

But really it’s just enjoyable and makes the world seem more real.

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@nyrath @Lazarou @futurebird This is also an analytical tool. Every point inside a Voronoi cell is closer to its associated β€œcenter” point than to any other point in the set of β€œcenters.” Each segment of the Delaunay triangulation is the straight line connecting two points that can reach each other via a route that does not come closer to some other point in that set(the straight line not necessarily being that route).
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@nyrath @Lazarou @futurebird So, for each point in the set, you could look at the length of its Delaunay segments, and take the length of the shortest segment and assign that value to the point. Do this for all points in the set. Then take the maximum value for all those points. If you make a route between every point that is within that distance of another point, you should make a minimally-connected graph that connects all of the points. I think.πŸ€”
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@nyrath @Lazarou @futurebird Looking at both of these next to each other, the Voronoi network(with the vertices as stars) looks a lot more interesting. Everything isn’t a boring mesh of stars. But I’m not sure if any arbitrary set of vertices CAN be connected to create a Voronoi mesh or how one would go about doing that.
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@nyrath @Lazarou @futurebird To add interest, I’d roll a die(the old stand-by of gamers): 1-connect to its closest neighbor; 2,3,4-connect to its two closest neighbors; 5-6-connect to its three closest neighbors; 6-also roll again, 1,2,3,4-no change, 5-add a connection to the fourth closest neighbor, 6-and on another roll of 6 add a connection to the fifth closest neighbor.
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@Lazarou @futurebird

I forgot how I did that. I think I made fake stars with big labels. If you go to this link you can download my Astrosynthesis file and see how i did it.

I had written a Python script to convert my star data from equatorial to galactic coords, which made it easier to place the core ward and spin ward labels.

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