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Had a post from Grognardia show up in my feeds today reminding me of this excellent post from A Knight at the Opera analyzing why the simple mostly black cover of Classic Traveller is so effective:

The distress call really does set a mood better than most any illustration I've seen on an RPG cover.


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I remember when I was a young man back in 1977 spotting that black box at a dealer's table in a scifi con. It grabbed me instantly! I purchased it on the spot because I had to know what happened next!

That box cover should be in a RPG hall of fame. For all the reasons in the Knight at the Opera article and more.

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@cptbutton @StefanEJones @squishymage42

Oh, yes. I saw that ad in Analog as well. And instantly bought that game. Space warfare, accurate 3D star maps, what's not to like?

Decades later I recreated the map from scratch, and discovered a couple of mistakes (duplication and coordinate transpositions). Still a great game.

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@cptbutton @StefanEJones @squishymage42

In the SPI's StarForce: Alpha Centauri TTWG, the designer cleverly set up the economic and military situation with a single postulate: the only interstellar commodity was telesthetic people.

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