banner page for Indigenous Language Rights and Realities, a LD&C peer-reviewed, open-access publication focusing on Indigenous and non-dominant language rights and realities. The page has a button to submit an article, and a button to search - and there are three recent articles previewed:
Galla, Candace Kaleimamoowahinekapu & Shannon T. Bischoff. 2025. Centering community-driven and -led Indigenous and non-dominant language rights & realities: An inclusive publishing model for Indigenizing and decolonizing the academy.
Vincent, Audra, Alice Kwak, Shannon T. Bischoff, Amy Fountain & John Ivens. 2025. It is not an archive, and it will never be done: Building the Coeur d’Alene Online Language Resource Center.
Iwasaki, Erina. 2025. The transformative praxis of Indigenous language revitalization and reclamation educators & L1-based bi-/multilingual educators based on Senegal’s national bilingual education reform and Māori revitalization efforts.