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It has only recently dawned on me that artist Mark Harrison who illustrates space opera story "The Out" in #2000AD is the same Mark Harrison who wrote and drew "The Travellers" in #WhiteDwarf forty years ago.
"Syrena, when you've seen one A788899A planet, you've seen them all." Classic!
Mark also illustrated #ThrudTheBarbarian for White Dwarf. (1/2)

Screenshot of a website with art by Mark Harrison,
The picture shows the crew of the Osprey crouched around an egg resembling the one in Alien, with the caption, "In space, no-one can hear you laugh".

A page of artwork by Mark Harrison. "The Travellers", Chapter 2: Starport, published in White Dwarf 53, May 1984. Free Trader Osprey has landed in Regina Starport. The crew rent an Air/Raft to see the sights.

A page of artwork by Mark Harrison. "The Out", Book 4, Part 15, published in 2000AD prog 2416, 22 January 2025. Protagonist Cyd Finlea approaches Gore-Metal-Pain Cartel Chieftain Redbladder.