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馃摙 Welcome to the Official Mastodon Account of the Research Committee on Digital Comparative Literature (DCL)

The DCL, part of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), organizes panels, workshops, and publishes papers on digital comparative studies.

Stay tuned for updates on exciting topics, including distant reading techniques, multilingual literary archives, and more! 馃寪


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I might as well do another #introduction specifically for the #academic side of this here fediverse:

Coming from #theoreticalCS (with applications in #NLP) to doing #digitalhumanities (computational #musicology), I've now landed in #ResponsibleAI. Specifically, I'm interested in exploring #AntiCapitalistAI, both sharpening existing critiques of current AI practise by confronting capital and exploring inherent politics of technologies, and finding better ones for a socialist world.