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#Moon πŸŒ™ scouts will all be #robotic, designed to build a foundation for #astronauts πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ to follow about two years later. There is need for transporting πŸš€ large masses of equipment and materials from #Earth. An #IntuitiveMachines lander is set to reach the Moon later this year. #NASA’s #JPL will release a β€œswarm” of robot-explorers equipped with stereo cameras πŸ“Ή and charged with creating photorealistic #3D maps πŸ—ΊοΈ of the #lunar terrain


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Triple #oxygen isotopes of #lunar #water unveil indigenous and cometary heritage: -> "Our data support an indigenous primary water source for the Moon. This enstatite-dominant source may have been an initial reservoir from the Earth-Moon impact or a consequence of delivered materials in the early growth stages of the Moon. Cometary contributions are indicated by the extremely negative Ξ΄18O and positive Ξ”β€²17O values observed in our data" ->