#WritersCoffeeClub 26: Do real-life events inspire your writing? Share an example.

As Ken Macleod remarked, "history is the secret weapon of the science fiction writer".

Not every time, not for every story element, but it's an *amazing* toy box that you can borrow from whenever you're stuck for an idea! Because fiction illustrates the human condition and humans get up to some really weird shit, for values of "you can't make that up" weird.

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These #history deep-dives by #IsaacAsimov are great reads and illustrate your point about using our actual world for #worldbuilding in #SciFi.

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As a reminder, when doing #ttrpg #worldbuilding , it's usually unnecessary to have human(oid) history go back "tens of thousands of years". If you need some justifications for old ruins and whatnot, it's easy to cram them into the last thousand years or less. Real world history is _full_ of interesting stuff happening in fairly short time periods, so it's not difficult to arrange the same for fictional worlds.

Besides, humans constantly come up with new ideas and new technology. If you _want_ human society in your fantasy world to have a typical late medieval/Renaissance-era tech level, then you will need to come up with some good reasons why they haven't developed further - and that gets trickier the longer the history of human civilization in your world is.


Been manually entering the moons of Saturn into an Astrosynthesis map, the Application allows one to build a 'system orbit map' and you see here how the Saturnian system works, how little moons shepherd some of the rings.
The map reminds me of playing Frontier: Elite II back in the 90s, travelling the stars. Now I have the ability to make my own maps, a dream I had back as a youth. 90s me would love this shit


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All these worlds in motion, the cosmic ballet continues....


The Saturnian system, it's moons in their orbits, some Breezeblock mix in the background

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Bless the little cottage industry coders who honour a payment made in 2012, I purchased Astrosynthesis 2.0 many many machines ago and after delving into Traveller Lore these past few months it's time to dig out the old universe I made.

Now if only I could remember which one of these old hard drives has the starmap data on it.....

