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📆 2025 Lunar Gateway #NASA#ESA#CSA #JAXA
📆 2025 Haven-1 #VastSpace
📆 2026 Axiom Station #AxiomSpace
📆 2026 StarMax #Gravitics
📆 2026 LIFE Pathfinder #SierraSpace
📆 2027 Russian Orbital Service Station #Roscosmos
📆 2028 Starlab #NanoRacks#VoyagerSpace#Airbus#MDASpace#Mitsubishi
📆 second half 2020s Orbital Reef #BlueOrigin#SierraSpace

#SpaceStation #launch

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"A block of planned upgrades to the Starship upper stage will debut on this flight test, bringing major improvements to reliability and performance. The vehicle’s forward flaps have been reduced in size and shifted towards the vehicle tip and away from the heat shield, significantly reducing their exposure to reentry heating while simplifying the underlying mechanisms and protective tiling" -SpaceX

#space #spacex #starship #ift7#LaunchInformation #bocachica #texas #newspace #launch #rocket

Ship 33: This is the first Block 2/v2 upper stage of Starship, it features various improvements over previous ships. The item to watch is the new forward fins. Many changes are internal and/or software so won't be visible.

Booster 14: A Block 1 booster. Notably, Raptor #314 (Pi engine) from the recovered booster from IFT-5 will be reused on this flight.

#space #spacex #starship #ift7#LaunchInformation #bocachica #texas #newspace #launch #rocket

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Ship 33 will also be used to test the deployment of 10 payload dummies. These are similar weights and sizes to the upcoming next generation Starlink sats.

#space #spacex #starship #ift7#LaunchInformation #bocachica #texas #newspace #launch #rocket

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Some good coverage that doesn't require using X:

[4K] Everyday Astronaut:

[1080p] Spaceflight Now:

[1080p] NSF:

[1080p] WAI:

[1080p] LapPadre:

As usual, be aware that "official" streams from SpaceX on YT are fake. SpaceX no longer broadcast to YT directly. Please report them.

#space #spacex #starship #ift7#LaunchInformation #bocachica #texas #newspace #launch #rocket

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"Teams are actively working". Continuing to listen in for any updates. Hosts are saying it could be a comms loss, but this is still pretty major. Losing ALL contact with the ground is not the type of issue you want to be happening.

I'm personally thinking an anomaly or RUD is more likely at this point.

#space #spacex #starship #ift7#LaunchInformation #bocachica #texas #newspace #launch #rocket

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SpaceX "currently do not have comms with the ship". No cause or further updates yet. Flight engineers currently checking systems.

#space #spacex #starship #ift7#LaunchInformation #bocachica #texas #newspace #launch #rocket

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Booster just chilling. Though seemingly a loss of telemetry (at least temporarily) from the ship. SpaceX hosts awaiting an update...

#space #spacex #starship #ift7#LaunchInformation #bocachica #texas #newspace #launch #rocket

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📆 Nov 17, 2018 #NASA will #retire 🗑️ its new mega- #rocket if #SpaceX or #BlueOrigin can safely launch its own powerful #rockets : "we will eventually retire the #government system, and just move to a #buying #launch #capacity on those [rockets]" Stephen Jurczyk, NASA's associate administrator
