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And … it’s over 😢

I first started watching #TheExpanse well before the pandemic, but got stuck after S4 in 2020 🤷‍♂️

Not because I didn’t enjoy it – quite the opposite. Weird.

So when my friend Dominique Tipper came to ESA’s ESTEC Open Day in 2022, I promised her I’d finish 🙇‍♂️

Watching from S1 again with my wife, we made it to the end of S6 tonight.

Promise kept ✊

Bittersweet to think that that’s it. Although there are the books beyond, of course 😉


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Naomi: "Detonation confirmed, two of ours for two of theirs"

Holden: "Copy that"

Naomi: "Our other six are protecting the Razorback"

Alex: "Hell of a plan, cap. You must've aced tactical warfare at the Navy OCS"

From E302

#TheExpanse #SciFi

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Amos: "In case I have to kill you, I just wanted to say thanks. You were always trying to be a good man. Not everybody does. Thank you. It was nice not having to worry about being on the right team"

From E213

#TheExpanse #SciFi

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Alex: "We're already burning hot as it is. You wanna go flat-out, the Roci can handle it, but understand you burn like that at some point, we're not gonna be around to enjoy the ride.

Miller: "What's the limit?

Alex: "I don't know. Maybe 15-20Gs? We could probably handle that if we're juiced to the gills, but eventually one of those little blood vessels in your brain's gonna go pop"

From E205

#TheExpanse #SciFi