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An occasional #TTRPG thought I have: we lose a lot of gaming history because of licensed materials. I've heard how great the Ghostbusters RPG was. I know and love d6 Star Wars (2e R&E was mine), and have a new appreciation for RM, which I know through MERP.

But because they're licensed properties, they don't exist anymore. Can't reprint, licenses sold to others. Not gone, just rare and hard to get.

A gif of Roy Batty, from Blade Runner, saying "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."

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I'm a writer, and one of the things I use social media for is to promote my own work.

I also know how annoying it is when authors never post anything *else*. So I limit myself to one post a week. That's today.

Here's my most recent book, published by Ad Astra Games. This is my current last word on designing scientifically plausible exoplanetary systems for fiction, at least until I produce a second edition.

#sciencefiction #selfpromotion #ttrpg #worldbuilding

Looking for suggestions for rules-light, genre-agnostic #TTRPG systems. I’m looking to start up a one- or two-shot that may or may not lead to a long term game. The future game is less important as I’m open to translating to another system. Free/open games are appreciated, but not necessary.

Thank you! 😊

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@BeefGriller Fudge #ttrpg
Fate Accelerated
In this World
Pip System
The Spark

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Looking for suggestions for rules-light, genre-agnostic #TTRPG systems. I’m looking to start up a one- or two-shot that may or may not lead to a long term game. The future game is less important as I’m open to translating to another system. Free/open games are appreciated, but not necessary.

Thank you! 😊

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Do any other Traveller players use the Miller rules for M-drives in gravity wells? It encourages you to put reaction drives on your ship if you really want to survive a slight mis-jump that puts you in between worlds and too far from the star. It also encourages a ship that operates far out from the gravity source, to plot an eccentric orbit that brings them back in again so their drives will eventually resume functioning.


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I'm now at the portion of going through old papers and #ttrpg notes where I can quote Gandalf: "I have no memory of this place."

But I'm about to recycle a stack of dnd2e character sheets, from the pre internet days where we carefully formatted them in a word processor, then printed them on a dot matrix printer...

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Think I'm ready for tomorrow's game. #Roll20 build completed with everything needed to run Zozer's Far Horizon.

Using the #TravellerRPG 2e sheet which works well enough for #Cepheus. I've added oxygen readouts for the team if they use their suits and a mission time remaining (ie the 96 hours they have before they have to burn for home).

A little nervous about this (it's a long time since I ran a dedicated exploration based game. Perhaps I should watch 2010 tonight for inspiration?
