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Current book is The Cosmic Computer by H. Beam Piper. I'm just short of halfway through it. I'm really enjoying it, except for where the fact that it's from the early 1960s comes screaming to the foreground with things "but we can't expect the women folk to use logic." Otherwise loving the plot about trying to use an almost religious devotion to a falsity to motivate a community to improve
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#scifi #sciencefiction
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What is this #scifi book/series from the 70's or early 80's?
▪ human ship encounters alien ship, which ejects its occupants in fear upon detection
▪ humans zoom in on ejected aliens, find they are different sizes, morphologies, two thumbs in each hand.
▪ turns out they're rather teddybear-looking, & with sharp teeth, I think.
▪ books deal with two alien races being puzzled and learning about one another ...
Edit: see title in thread! \o/
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#SciFi #Streaming#Television
Hurry! This amazing sci-fi series is about to leave Prime Video | What to Watch