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Hi George
I think it is important to recognize that the MAGA coup is close to a fait accompli. Impeachment is the only practical remedy available. All efforts need to be concentrated on achieving that result soon. It is only necessary that a handful of Republican representatives honour their oaths to achieve this end.
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Notably, the Finns joined the fight even though they were not part of NATO.
It set back their forest-raking efforts too!
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Well there are pretty good at disrespecting whose who came to the aid of #USA
""I didn't even know they were in the war," panellist and comedian Doug Benson added. "I thought that's where you go if you don't want to fight. Go chill in Canada."
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And yet Saudi was left untouched.
That right there suggests something is wrong with NATO.
That not one of its members was able to say "hang on dudes, the conspiracy and funding and people came from Saudi"
Oh - and why was the Bin Laden family allowed to fly in the immediate US no-fly restriction?