Content Warning

@georgetakei It's already understood that USA can change the name(s) of any place it wants, for use inside USA.

Please keep it off our maps in Canada and elsewhere. That bracketed (Gulf of America) is utter bullshit. Nobody wants it, so stop foisting it on countries that aren't involved with your renewed shitty government.

Google fucking sucks...

Content Warning

@georgetakei It's already understood that USA can change the name(s) of any place it wants, for use inside USA.

Please keep it off our maps in Canada and elsewhere. That bracketed (Gulf of America) is utter bullshit. Nobody wants it, so stop foisting it on countries that aren't involved with your renewed shitty government.

Content Warning

@georgetakei The more insidious part of this bill is that it authorizes the president to enter negotiations to acquire Greenland.

CC: @repthompson As an American, I am embarrassed by this bill. As a human, am offended.

#RedWhiteAndBlueActOf2025 #Greenland#Colonialism#LateStageCapitalism#USPol