#UnilkelyWish for next year: may the word "ecosystem" never, ever be used to refer to consumer goods or technology ever again. "Marketing operational domain" or "slang to confuse the buyer" both work fine. Ecosystems have earth, nematodes, wet sticky fluids full of nutrients, parasites, and decomposition. You don't want those in your wearable AI enabled fashion-leading quick get-away impotence remedies, and I'm fine not buying your ostentatious tat. Agreed?

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@yetiinabox 👍 😂 ... writes a #Scifi: Parasites infiltrate an impotence remedy for AI sex and use it to keep humanity subservient. Ants harness homo sapiens as exo-brains, bringing themselves to the brink of extinction.
Suddenly, a small, unknown tribe of springtails forms an alliance with nematodes: they achieve world domination. What will happen to the last humans whose brains are no longer capable of marketing? What happens to the forgotten CEO in a leafcutter ants nest?

#hopepunk #solarpunk

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#RaidMetal The rules are where I want them. Now working on a unit building system so I can come up with some testing scenarios. Catch is making them as simple as the rules yet workable!


#TTRPG #tabletopgames #tabletop#SciFi#ScienceFiction

An extremely detailed diagram of the history of Science Fiction. The diagram has a rather monstrous aspect, with tentacle-like roots and branches. On the upper left corner are found the roots of the diagram: Fear and Wonder, giving way to Animism and Legend. Other portals into the diagram are Philosophy, Art, Exploration and Observation. These roots converge and possibly interact with other concepts such as the Enlightment, Science, Utopias, Romantic Movements. Important science fiction works, authors and genres emerge on the way, amidst a vast quantity of other entries: the Gothic Novel, Frankenstein, Jules Vernes, H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe, Science Adventure, Fantasy Adventure, Alice in Wonderland, Weird Tales, Pulp Magazines, Astounding Science Fiction, Galaxy Magazine, H.P. Lovecraft, Sword+Sorcery, Modern Horrror, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Dune, Space Opera, Cyber Punk, Star Wars, Alien, Terminator, 2001 Space Odissey, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Total Recall, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dracula, Metropolis, King Kong, Aldous Huxley, and so on. A timeline is indicated on the upper and lower boundaries of the diagram.
An extremely detailed diagram of the history of Science Fiction. The diagram has a rather monstrous aspect, with tentacle-like roots and branches. On the upper left corner are found the roots of the diagram: Fear and Wonder, giving way to Animism and Legend. Other portals into the diagram are Philosophy, Art, Exploration and Observation. These roots converge and possibly interact with other concepts such as the Enlightment, Science, Utopias, Romantic Movements. Important science fiction works, authors and genres emerge on the way, amidst a vast quantity of other entries: the Gothic Novel, Frankenstein, Jules Vernes, H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe, Science Adventure, Fantasy Adventure, Alice in Wonderland, Weird Tales, Pulp Magazines, Astounding Science Fiction, Galaxy Magazine, H.P. Lovecraft, Sword+Sorcery, Modern Horrror, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Dune, Space Opera, Cyber Punk, Star Wars, Alien, Terminator, 2001 Space Odissey, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Total Recall, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dracula, Metropolis, King Kong, Aldous Huxley, and so on. A timeline is indicated on the upper and lower boundaries of the diagram.

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