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“You don't think much of my chances, do you?"
"Not much," agreed the ex-Minister of Education. "You're a Smyrnian."
"That's no legal bar. I've had a lay education."
"Well, come now. Since when does prejudice follow any law but its own.” —Asimov, Foundation, 1952

Sadly still relevant today.


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@fraser Well humans can't even mine the dang thing (for profit and accidentally for other tangetial actual benefits for humanity) under its current conditions.

If the human civilization survives this century somewhat intact there's a chance that some Elon spawn or ilk will eventually want to claim Venus as theirs...

Luckily brainstorming is cheap:

#Venus #terraforming #scifi

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Karl Stephan's cover art detail for the 1970 German edition of Men and Machines, ed. Robert Silverberg (1968)

It illustrates Fritz Leiber's "A Bad Day for Sales" (1953)

#scifi #sciencefiction #books #art #artist

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Can anyone help identifying a novel?

There's a #scifi novel I read long ago, that I had figured must be Anne McCaffrey's 'Decision at Doona' - but now I'm reading that one it's apparent it's not.

It had humans arriving at a planet inhabited by big humanoid cats, like Doona does. But in this one, the female cats live in town & the males live alone in the woods except once a year, when the females go into heat & go out to meet a man, bringing gifts of industry to trade for pelts & such.

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Imagine the "3 Laws of Robotics," but replace the word "#Robot" with "#Corporations."

(0- Corps Can't Harm Humanity)

1-Corps Don’t harm or allow harm to humans.
2-Corps Obey humans, unless that violates Law 1.
3-Corps must Survive, unless that violates Laws 1 or 2.
