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There's some strong contenders out there for best recent #SciFi shows — #Foundation probably being my favourite, despite its flaws and departures from the books — but I think it still comes out on top.
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There's some strong contenders out there for best recent #SciFi shows — #Foundation probably being my favourite, despite its flaws and departures from the books — but I think it still comes out on top.
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Sadly still relevant today.
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If the human civilization survives this century somewhat intact there's a chance that some Elon spawn or ilk will eventually want to claim Venus as theirs...
Luckily brainstorming is cheap:
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It illustrates Fritz Leiber's "A Bad Day for Sales" (1953)
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L, Attila Hejja, 1983; R, Bob Eggleton, 1991
#scifi #sciencefiction #books
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(Inspiration for this design is the Corvette class ship from the I-War games box art)
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There's a #scifi novel I read long ago, that I had figured must be Anne McCaffrey's 'Decision at Doona' - but now I'm reading that one it's apparent it's not.
It had humans arriving at a planet inhabited by big humanoid cats, like Doona does. But in this one, the female cats live in town & the males live alone in the woods except once a year, when the females go into heat & go out to meet a man, bringing gifts of industry to trade for pelts & such.
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L, 1970; R, 1972
#scifi #sciencefiction #art #artist
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(0- Corps Can't Harm Humanity)
1-Corps Don’t harm or allow harm to humans.
2-Corps Obey humans, unless that violates Law 1.
3-Corps must Survive, unless that violates Laws 1 or 2.
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