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BDG feature: Mettaโ€™s Scaffolding -- conflict at a Vipassana center and the difficult choice that ensues

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#buddhism #buddhistpractice #meditation #vipassana #england #uk #kindness #generosity #metta#maitri #mindfulness

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BDG news: Engaged Buddhism: The Soka Gakkai International to Sponsor Nobel Peace Prize Forum and Youth Dialogue with Atomic Bomb Survivors in Oslo

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#buddhism #engagedbuddhism #nichiren #mahayana #norway #japan #nucleardisarmament #nuclearweapons #peace #atomicbombs #hiroshima #nagasaki #japanesebuddhism #ican #iaea

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BDG feature: The Sober Path -- Nina Mรผller offers advice on remaining sober yet festive during the holiday season

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#buddhism #buddhistpractice #sobriety #addicition #sober #aa #precepts #christmas #holidays #attachment #mindfulness

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