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BDG news: ​​​​Reports: China Bolstering Military Presence at Larung Gar Buddhist Academy in Sichuan Province

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#buddhism #buddhiststudies #tibetanbuddhism #vajrayana #academia #education #china #tibet #kham #sichuan #buddhistmonasticism #buddhistmonk

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BDG news: ​​​​UN Observes Inaugural World Meditation Day on 21 December with Record-Breaking Online Event

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#buddhism #spirituality #spiritualpractice #wellbeing#india #unitednations #usa #newyork #nyc #worldmeditationday #ravishankar #bhikkhusanghasena

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Buddhist Quote for Today: The Buddha

We must be diligent today. To wait till tomorrow is too late. Death comes unexpectedly. How can we bargain with it? β€” The Buddha

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#buddhistquotes #buddha #shakyamuni #dhamma #dharma #buddhism #impermanence #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday

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Buddhist Quote for Today: The Buddha

We must be diligent today. To wait till tomorrow is too late. Death comes unexpectedly. How can we bargain with it? β€” The Buddha

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#buddhistquotes #buddha #shakyamuni #dhamma #dharma #buddhism #impermanence #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday