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Too bad they can't spell!

The word "swastika" comes from Sanskrit and means "good fortune" or "well-being".
Scholars believe the swastika originated in India and may have been used as early as 7,000 years ago.
It appears in rock and cave paintings, and on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures.
In the early 20th century, the swastika became a popular symbol of good luck in the West.

The Nazi Party adopted the swastika as their party insignia in the 1920s
- and stuffed it up for everybody ...

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@georgetakei an issue with the Nazi association is that it's aligned with the type of propaganda used by Russia where they paint their adversaries as Nazis like they did and still do with Ukraine today. They could then say "look at how evil and Nazi USA isx. They won't say it's because of Trump of course... then USA becomes the adversary of the whole world. China will look like angels in comparison, and I fear it's part of the game plan, as a world power switch. Always SCO vs NATO kind of thing

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@georgetakei I could do without a bunch of Nazi crap all over actually, even if it is pointing out a disgusting truth. This is a shitty meme that shouldn't exist. I'm not against it. I agree with it. But this is as horrible and derivative as the time that bore it. If it wasn't for the fact that everything is so horrible I would literally hate everything about this meme and the whole "swasticar" thing.