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I know, in one way it's important to point out that they have lied under oath.
OTOH, we are also normalising that behaviour.
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The #McCarthy - #Era will be a "Walk in the Park" against these #brainwashed#Trump-#Zombies, cleaning the #Authorities from #Adversaries. This weakens by the Way the Security in every thinkable Form and strengthens the Will for #Whistleblowers
and #Sabotage from within. You can't find so many Trump loyal People, to control such big #Entities like #FBI, #NSA and #CIA. They rip them apart, but this will cause a lot of #Trouble. Does anyone respect #PamBondi ? It's a #Joke.
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This doublespeak is infuriating to anybody with actual principles.
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Fucking Cult Speak!
Damned COUP!
Anti- Constitutional...
Therefore, ILLEGAL!
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The contradictions in Bondi's statement are legion. "despise" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. She makes having an opinion having an extreme opinion that must be acted out. What does she know about how working for the DoJ/FBI is radicalizing their employees?
She recites the catechism about transparency, honesty and doing the right thing without causing the water in the studio to boil over. Amazing. But, "We're gonna root them [out]" is really all she wanted to say.
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Were those lies? Well at least they kept to their core belief, you should be able to say the N-word.
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Fuckin' Carol-Ann was possessed by the toothy preacher and is now in charge of Law.