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Elon Musk can’t even get starship reliably into low earth orbit without blowing up The second stage or the first.

They haven’t even figured out a life support system. And I want to point out that self contained life systems ones where humans live in self reliant system for more than a few months has never really succeeded. Some component fails where the system goes out of balance and the humans have to be evacuated.

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@georgetakei Musk is so predictably stupid. Sending humans to Mars is a death sentence without proper radiation shielding and highly redundant life support systems. Although I am willing to risk sending him to Mars to "test" the effects of long term exposure.

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@georgetakei I wish he would go to mars! In reality, he seems to have no idea of the technical and other challenges in getting men to mars.. alive. Which would be made simpler with a space station as an interplanetary assembly hub....

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@georgetakei You realize this isn’t the first time he’s ranted like this. Remember Thailand and the rescue at the caves? He was all bent out of shape because they didn’t use his submarine and he called the lead diver a pedophile. That should have been our first clue!! Petty asshole.

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@georgetakei Yes, deorbit ISS. Unfortunately, the engineers from NASA team have been fired and the trajectory to earth has to be calculated Apollo 9 style with the help of slide rules, operated by 95yo retired NASA engineers.
And more unfortunately and due miscalculation, debris of ISS will hit White House the moment Trump, Vance and Musk are in the Oval Office. So sad.