One night, when he finally felt it was safe, Tyler told a joke about a guy who got arrested somewhere in Italy and sentenced to a long prison term.
On his first day, another prisoner approached him. "You like-a golf?" he asked. (His part of the joke required a thick Italian accent.)
"Yes, I like golf."
"Atsa good. You like-a Monday. Monday, we all play golf."
"It'sa good game. We all play. Tell me, you like-a bowling?"
"Yes, I like bowling."
"Atsa good. You like-a Tuesday. Tuesday, we have-a bowling."
"Yes, It' sa good game. We all play. Tell me, you like-a sex?"
"Yes, I like sex."
"You like-a with a boy or a girl?"
"With a girl."
"Uh-oh, you notta gonna like-a Wednesday."