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@georgetakei too many people believe deceptive media. They drank the Koolaid. Political media is responsible for this. Political Media must be exposed. Admission of guilt is needed by those who deceived others. Unwinding cults is a very hard thing to do

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@georgetakei Fun fact from Wikipedia - "A high crime can be done only by someone in a unique position of authority, which is political, who does things to circumvent justice." You can't more directly circumvent justice than to ignore a directive from a member of the judiciary. Impeachment is the appropriate next step.

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Honestly every goddam major company and investor in the US has a lot at stake in the protection of the rule of law in this country. (With the exception of the South African madman who has grabbed control of the White House.)

They'd better start working their lobbyists and wholly owned Republican Senators to stop this. They can. Hey guys. Tell them to bounce Kash Patel. That would be a warning.


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@georgetakei Everything the Nazis did in their consolidation of power was technically legal under their constitution and it took them about a decade to achieve full control. Now we're seeing how quickly it can go when the leader just ignores the constitution and a significant chunk of the population supports it. Speedrunning the end of an empire.